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Ghosts In The Wind

By the best selling author of Alone In The Wind.
The #1 New Release in Adventure Travel









The garage door cranked open as the engine warmed and I stared out at the black emptiness beyond - the whole of the trip was out there, waiting in the darkness. I pulled on the helmet as my daughter waved goodbye. “When will you come home?”
“I’ll be back before the last leaf falls.”
For almost eight weeks and 8500 miles, I’d be immersed in American history, geography and culture, following Lewis & Clark to the Pacific, George Custer along Rosebud Creek to the Little Bighorn, exploring the northern lands and working my way to the western sea. There would be time to circle the Great Lakes into Canada, ride the Dakota high prairie, time for Yellowstone, Beartooth Pass, and Mt. St. Helens. I’d roam the Rockies, Bitterroot, Cascades and the Sierra, running down more backroads than I would have thought possible. I had the luxury of getting away alone, immersing myself in the trip, discarding phones & calendars, anything that might distract me from what I was seeing and doing.

It was fifteen minutes to Busby, where still following Rosebud Creek, the Seventh Cavalry would set up their final campsite before the battle. For George Custer and about two hundred and eighty men, June 24, 1876 would be their last night on God’s earth.

It was so clear. I knew there were drop offs to either side but I could only see the empty darkness and it didn’t help my anxiety. In places where there were no guardrails my imagination ran wild. Except for the stars, I could only see what’s in the headlight – a separate reality contained in the cone of the trike’s high beam. Sometime that night, I crossed over the Beartooth Pass, but never saw the sign.

There's driftwood below, piled up on a beach once strewn with bodies from the wrecked Vandalia. Standing at the bottom, boots in the surf, I was astounded at the spectacle before me. I wasn’t prepared for the restless energy, the sounds confined within the cove filling my head. This was a spirit lair, a forbidden cove brimming with life and vitality, but also the scene of tragic and violent death.

Ghosts In The Wind - complete with pictures and maps.

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